
197 lines
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# abyss
abyss is a basic and _mostly_ single user pastebin server written in go made for uploading files (logs, images) and then sharing them to the internet
<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eae42368-d8b5-4c42-ac8a-0e1486fcd0d4" alt="homepage"/>
<figcaption>this is abyss' default home page<figcaption/>
## table of contents
- [features](#features)
- [running abyss](#running)
- [installing with docker](#docker)
- [installing manually](#directly)
- [uploading files](#uploading)
- [theming](#theming)
- [docs](#docs)
- [todo list](#todo)
- [more pictures](#pictures)
## features
- **file uploads**: supports uploading various file types, including images, videos, and documents.
- **flexible media display**: automatically renders uploaded files on a webpage based on their type (images, pdfs, videos, or plain text).
- **easily customizable interface**: allows for easy modification of color schemes and layout to suit specific design needs.
- **syntax highlighting for code**: syntax highlighting available by default for code files, with support for multiple programming languages. (can be tweaked/changed and even removed)
- **security considerations**: as it is single user, it's mostly secure but there are still some edges to sharpen
- **easy and fast setup**: assets files are baked into the binary, so setting it up is as easy as compiling/grabbing a binary from gh actions and running it!
## running
#### (recommended) setting it up
- clone the repository and cd into it:
git clone https://github.com/jabuxas/abyss.git --depth 1 && cd abyss
- then run `./generate_config.sh` to setup the necessary environment variables
- after that, you can use either docker or run it directly
### docker
- to run with docker, you can use the `docker-compose.yml` file available in this repo. to do so, run:
docker compose up -d # might be docker-compose depending on distro
- you can optionally use the [docker image](https://git.jabuxas.com/jabuxas/-/packages/container/abyss/latest) directly and set it up how you want
### directly
- to run it manually, build it with `go build -o abyss` or grab a binary from github actions and run:
- you will need to either:
- create a `.env` file in `$(pwd)` and set up the necessary variables as in [docs](#docs)
- run it with the variables prepended: `AUTH_USERNAME=admin AUTH_PASSWORD=admin ./abyss` (example)
- and then (hopefully) create a service that does that automatically and runs `abyss`
## uploading
#### with curl
- you can upload both with the main key and with jwt tokens
##### main key
- to upload your files with main key:
curl -F "file=@/path/to/file" -H "X-Auth: "$(cat /path/to/.key) http://localhost:3235/
- it is also possible to add a `-Fsecret=` to your POST to make filenames bigger and harder to guess.
- you should probably create an `alias` or a `function` to do this automatically for you.
<summary>click for an example for bash/zsh:</summary>
pst() {
local file
if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then
cat > "$file"
elif [[ -n $1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: pst [file]"
return 1
curl -F "file=@$file" -H "X-Auth: $(cat ~/.key)" http://localhost:3235/
if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then
rm "$file"
<summary>click for an example for fish shell:</summary>
function pst
set -l file
if command test -p /dev/stdin
set file "/tmp/tmp.txt"
cat > $file
else if test -n "$argv[1]"
set file "$argv[1]"
curl -F "file=@$file" -H "X-Auth: $(cat ~/.key)" http://localhost:3235/
if command test -p /dev/stdin
rm "$file"
##### with jwt tokens
- you first need to generate them:
curl -u admin http://localhost:3235/token # you can also access the url in the browser directly
- the user will be the value of `$AUTH_USERNAME` and password the value of `$AUTH_PASSWORD`
- then you use the token in place of the main key:
curl -F"file=@/path/to/file.jpg" -H "X-Auth: your-token" http://localhost:3235/
#### through the browser
- you can only upload text through the browser, to do so, simply write text in the form in the default webpage and click upload.
- this upload can be restricted to need authentication or not, controlled by an environment variable.
## theming
- there is an example homepage in `static/` you can edit directly, which the server will serve automatically
- if running with docker, it's also possible to override `/static` inside the container with your own page.
- otherwise you will need to clone this repository and edit `static/` and `templates/` manually, or recreate the structure.
- same thing with templates in `templates/`
- it is preferred to use `dev/` for that reason, since it is git-ignored and that way makes it easier if wanting to update regularly without making changes to the tree
## docs
- `ABYSS_URL`: this is used for the correct formatting of the response of `curl`.
- `AUTH_USERNAME | AUTH_PASSWORD`: this is used to access `/tree`, which shows all uploaded files
- `UPLOAD_KEY`: this is key checked when uploading files. if the key doesn't match with server's one, then it refuses uploading.
- `ABYSS_FILEDIR`: this points to the directory where abyss will save the uploads to. defaults to `./files`
- `ABYSS_PORT`: this is the port the server will run on. safe to leave empty. defaults to 3235
- `SHOULD_AUTH`: if it is `yes`, then to upload text you will need authentication (same auth as `/tree`), any value other than that and upload is authless
## todo:
- [x] add upload of logs funcionality (like 0x0.st)
- [x] add docker easy setup
- [x] add file browser (like file://)
- [x] add file extension in its name
- [x] login prompt when accessing /tree
- [x] home page
- [x] custom file displaying!!
- [x] syntax highlighting
- [ ] create example services (openrc/systemd)
- [ ] distribute it in some distros
## pictures
<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/32ce9b3a-8c0f-4bb5-bdcf-3a602e0c81e6"/>
<figcaption>this is abyss' default directory list<figcaption/>
<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e842e481-13ee-464b-be43-5ba0f4bb43ec"/>
<figcaption>this is abyss' default file presentation<figcaption/>