• erdtree
  • https://jabuxas.com
  • to someone with a heart/an intention, their attitude is a mask

  • Joined on 2024-09-05
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/cports-docker 2024-09-06 11:38:59 -03:00
e256fd6c57 ops: add docker deploy image
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 11:16:02 -03:00
91ca3254a7 ops: change build for image
a65265af49 build: push docker images automatically
Compare 2 commits »
jabuxas released v1.0.0 abyss at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:38:53 -03:00
jabuxas pushed tag v1.0.0 to jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:38:52 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:34:03 -03:00
07ec53acd7 feat: optimize docker image
jabuxas pushed to master at jabuxas/nvim 2024-09-06 10:27:18 -03:00
85a34ff49f fix: lsp keys not working
e1b14db831 feat: update to nvim 0.10
c3509e44d8 feat: remove markdown modes
a5c06e6707 feat: add wrap for tex files
5e147aec68 fix: remove default browser
Compare 10 commits »
jabuxas created branch master in jabuxas/nvim 2024-09-06 10:27:17 -03:00
jabuxas created repository jabuxas/nvim 2024-09-06 10:26:17 -03:00
jabuxas created branch main in jabuxas/cports-docker 2024-09-06 10:19:14 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/cports-docker 2024-09-06 10:19:14 -03:00
e91bb40cc6 feat: add all repos
b0620b100c docs: add warning on fd size
a5177972de docs: add instructions
593895949d feat: remove bash, use sh
5343f236ed feat: add working docker files
jabuxas created repository jabuxas/cports-docker 2024-09-06 10:17:51 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/configs 2024-09-06 10:14:09 -03:00
2d1c007e6c fix: middle_emulation on desktop bad
d46cf0af89 feat: add rustup install
934b5ce83c fix: add gtk schemes to sway init
c0231e41ab feat(desktop)!: change stow to xstow
da0a5e6b20 feat: update scripts with my new http server
Compare 10 commits »
jabuxas created branch main in jabuxas/configs 2024-09-06 10:14:08 -03:00
jabuxas created repository jabuxas/configs 2024-09-06 10:12:18 -03:00
jabuxas created branch main in jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:10:26 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:10:26 -03:00
80497fb2a8 build: add on-commit github action
da544e8176 docs: change running instructions
7e512671a8 ops: update docker files
04fc379479 feat: easier setup and more transparent customization
2431f5e655 docs: fix documentation on running the webserver
Compare 10 commits »
jabuxas created repository jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-06 10:10:01 -03:00