• erdtree
  • https://jabuxas.com
  • to someone with a heart/an intention, their attitude is a mask

  • Joined on 2024-09-05
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-21 13:30:23 -03:00
464b8ef778 style: lint
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-20 15:26:33 -03:00
4f99e500c0 chore: comment the code
2e8c0790a5 feat: download bepinex only if it doesnt exist
Compare 2 commits »
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-20 15:19:30 -03:00
65ee980827 feat: sanitize input before passing it around
908e6b656c feat: add bepinex installation
c4cc5e184d refactor: modularize helper functions
Compare 3 commits »
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-19 22:28:20 -03:00
22f3b6efca style: group consts together
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-19 22:23:07 -03:00
a23b36a2df feat: request and time mod payload
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-19 21:44:03 -03:00
94eafd94ae chore: init
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-19 21:42:44 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/spire 2024-09-19 21:41:47 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 15:47:28 -03:00
9d5fbca929 fix: mkv videos not playing on browser
e341d2f166 fix: limited /tmp space inside container
444c725fc6 fix: change to html/template for more security
Compare 3 commits »
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 13:17:33 -03:00
e42f307bd1 ci: create docker image on tag creation
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 13:16:26 -03:00
4deed3d0b5 ci: create docker image on tag creation
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 13:15:47 -03:00
47045bbd61 ci: create docker image on tag creation
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 13:13:46 -03:00
0f989a778f ci: create docker image on tag creation
jabuxas released v1.1.0 abyss at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 11:14:11 -03:00
jabuxas pushed tag v1.1.0 to jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 11:14:10 -03:00
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 10:33:46 -03:00
189c0c50fd ops: add templates dir to docker compose
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 10:31:47 -03:00
8f700f7558 ops: add templates dir to docker compose
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 10:30:32 -03:00
92dd395f34 docs: mention theming templates
jabuxas pushed to main at jabuxas/abyss 2024-09-19 10:28:27 -03:00
39c6a1f570 feat: add customizable file tree
jabuxas pushed to master at jabuxas/nvim 2024-09-18 14:11:55 -03:00
1c8cd80966 feat: add lsp handling for non mason
58bbe7790c fix: markdown preview on musl
Compare 2 commits »