# revelation this app triggers the dbus filepicker to select a file, then uploads it to a pastebin service. ## how it works - when you run the app, it opens the system filepicker using dbus. - after selecting a file, the app uploads it to the pastebin service. - the app returns the URL of the uploaded file. ## requirements - dbus (for the filepicker) - a pastebin service like [0x0.st](https://0x0.st) ## usage 1. set PASTEBIN_URL env variable 1. set the AUTH_KEY and AUTH_PARAM environment variable if your pastebin service requires an API key. 1. run the app: ```bash go run . ``` 1. select a file using the filepicker. 1. the app will copy the url of the uploaded file to clipboard ## notes - this app is designed for linux systems with dbus support. - make sure the pastebin service is accessible and the API key is valid.