99 lines
3.7 KiB
99 lines
3.7 KiB
# zathurarc-dark
# set notification-error-bg "#073642" # base01 # seem not work
# set notification-error-fg "#dc322f" # red
# set notification-warning-bg "#073642" # base01
# set notification-warning-fg "#dc322f" # red
# set notification-bg "#073642" # base01
# set notification-fg "#b58900" # yellow
# set completion-group-bg "#002b36" # base03
# set completion-group-fg "#839496" # base0
# set completion-bg "#073642" # base02
# set completion-fg "#93a1a1" # base1
# set completion-highlight-bg "#586e75" # base01
# set completion-highlight-fg "#eee8d5" # base2
# # Define the color in index mode
# set index-bg "#073642" # base02
# set index-fg "#93a1a1" # base1
# set index-active-bg "#586e75" # base01
# set index-active-fg "#eee8d5" # base2
# set inputbar-bg "#073642" # base01
# set inputbar-fg "#93a1a1" # base2
# set statusbar-bg "#073642" # base02
# set statusbar-fg "#93a1a1" # base1
# set highlight-color "#657b83" # base00 # hightlight match when search keyword(vim's /)
# set highlight-active-color "#268bd2" # blue
# set default-bg "#073642" # base02
# set default-fg "#93a1a1" # base1
# # set render-loading true
# # set render-loading-fg "#073642" # base02
# # set render-loading-bg "#073642" # base02
# # Recolor book content's color
# set recolor true
# set recolor-lightcolor "#073642" # base02
# set recolor-darkcolor "#93a1a1" # base1
# # set recolor-keephue true # keep original color
# zathurarc-light
set notification-error-bg "#eee8d5" # base2 # seem not work
set notification-error-fg "#dc322f" # red
set notification-warning-bg "#eee8d5" # base2
set notification-warning-fg "#dc322f" # red
set notification-bg "#eee8d5" # base2
set notification-fg "#268bd2" # blue
set completion-bg "#fdf6e3" # base3
set completion-fg "#657b83" # base00
set completion-group-bg "#eee8d5" # base2
set completion-group-fg "#586e75" # base01
set completion-highlight-bg "#93a1a1" # base1
set completion-highlight-fg "#073642" # base02
# Define the color in index mode
set index-bg "#fdf6e3" # base3
set index-fg "#657b83" # base00
set index-active-bg "#eee8d5" # base2
set index-active-fg "#586e75" # base01
set inputbar-bg "#93a1a1" # base1
set inputbar-fg "#073642" # base02
set statusbar-bg "#fdf6e3" # base3
set statusbar-fg "#657b83" # base00
set highlight-color "#839496" # base0 # hightlight match when search keyword(vim's /)
set highlight-active-color "#cb4616" # orange
set default-bg "#fdf6e3" # base3
set default-fg "#657b83" # base00
set render-loading true
# set render-loading-fg "#fdf6e3" # base3
# set render-loading-bg "#fdf6e3" # base3
# Recolor book content's color
# verbose
# verbose
set recolor-lightcolor "#fdf6e3" # base3
set recolor-darkcolor "#657b83" # base00
set recolor "true"
# set recolor-keephue true # keep original color
set statusbar-h-padding 0
set statusbar-v-padding 0
set page-padding 1
map u scroll half-up
map d scroll half-down
map D toggle_page_mode
map r reload
map R rotate
map K zoom in
map J zoom out
map i recolor
set recolor true
map p print