#!/bin/bash # i adapted this script from maze, a dear friend of mine # maze42d/dotfiles on github hostname="$(uname -a) | awk '{print $2}'" if [[ $hostname == "sovereign" ]]; then firefox_binary="firefox" else firefox_binary="firefox-bin" fi if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 <profile> <workspace>" exit 1 fi firefox_profile=$1 workspace=$2 echo "$firefox_profile to $workspace" $firefox_binary -p $firefox_profile &> /dev/null & PID=$! command="hyprctl dispatch movetoworkspacesilent ${workspace},pid:$PID" echo $command until hyprctl clients | grep "pid: $PID" > /dev/null #wait till window opens do sleep 0 done $command disown exit 0