feat: emmet abbreviation keybind prefix 🔥

This commit is contained in:
jabuxas 2025-02-08 20:33:17 -03:00
parent 561b85c320
commit aba9595d37

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@ -82,3 +82,22 @@
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<") 'previous-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "M->") 'next-buffer)
;; Custom function to handle double comma
(defvar my-last-comma-time nil
"Timestamp of the last `,' press.")
(defun my-insert-comma-or-emmet ()
(let ((now (current-time)))
(if (and my-last-comma-time
(< (float-time (time-subtract now my-last-comma-time)) 0.2)) ; 0.3s threshold
(delete-char -1) ; Delete the first comma
(emmet-expand-line nil)) ; Trigger Emmet
(insert ",") ; Insert a single comma
(setq my-last-comma-time now)))) ; Update timestamp
;; Bind to comma in Evil insert mode
(after! evil
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd ",") #'my-insert-comma-or-emmet))